Dr. Knickerbocker

Dr. Knickerbocker - a cumulative actions song

Dr. Knickerbocker, knickerbocker, number nine
He likes to dance and keep in time

Who's got the rhythm of the feet? [stomp along]
Yeah, who's got the rhythm of the feet?
And who's got the rhythm of the number nine?
1, 2, 3, 4, 56789!


So who's got the rhythm of the hands? [clap clap]
And who's got the rhythm of the feet? [stomp stomp]
And who's got the rhythm of the number nine?
1, 2, 3, 4, 56789!


So who's got the rhythm of the eyes? [blink blink]
...hands? [clap clap]
... feet? [stomp stomp]
And who's got the rhythm of the number nine?
1, 2, 3, 4, 56789!


(Other add-ins:
... knees? [tap knees]
... hot dog? [swoop hands up]
... rubbity-rubbity tum? [rub tummy]
... chicken, chicken dance? [flap wings]
End with... going to sleep! [flop down and "snore"]

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